Rafał Królikowski, the son of two teachers, was born on the 27th December 1966 in Zdunska Wola.

He is a graduate of the Studium Kulturalno-Oświatowy (Institute for Culture and Education). Being an actor, his older brother Paweł (born in 1961) influenced Rafał in his choice of career. Paweł had already graduated from theatre school in Wrocław. Initially Rafał Królikowski applied to study at the Łódz PWSTiF (Lódz academy of dramatic arts), after which he applied to the Kraków PWST, before being accepted by the Warsaw PWST, from which he graduated in 1992.
He performed the role of Isidor in the award-winning play by Carl Goldon Awantura in Chioggi (1992) , receiving both the jury and the audience awards at X Ogólnopolski przegląd Spektakli Dyplomowanych Szkół Teatralnych w Łodzi (the 10th National Review of Diploma Performances of Theatre Schools in Łódz)



 Handprint on The Avenue of the Stars in Międzyzdroje


He made his film debut in the role of officer cadet Marcin in Andrzej Wajda’s war movie Pierścionek z orłem w koronie (1992). In 1993 he received The Zbyszek Cybulski Award for his rendition of the devil Balan, in the costume fantasy by Krzysztof Gradowski Dzieje mistrza Twardowskiego (1995). He was awarded this prize by the children’s jury for the best male role at the Festiwal Filmowy Dla Dzieci i Młodzieży (the children’s film festival) in Poznan.
In 2012 he performed at the Teatr Kamienica, in Emilian Kaminski’s play Jak się kochają w niższych sferach.
He appeared with the Janusz Wiśniewski Group and worked with the Warsaw Teatr Powszechny im Zygmunta Hubnera (1992-2007), he also performed in other Warsaw theatres, “Scena Prezentacje” (1995-96), Warszawska Opera Kameralna (1997) and the Teatr Polski (1997-98).
He appeared in Martin McDonagh’s play The Cripple of Inishmann (1999), in the supporting role of Bartley, for which he received the Jacek Woszczerowicz Award at the XXXIX Kaliskie Spotkanie Teatralne and the Feliks Warszawski Award (1999).
A major turning point in his career came as a result of his meeting with Tomasz Konecki and Andrzej Saramonowicz. He performed 7 roles in their debut comedy Pół serio (2000) for which he was awarded a special prize for best comedy role at the 25 Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych (25th Polish Fictional Film Festival). He also appeared as The Deceased in Tomasz Konecki and Andrzej Saramonowicz’s black comedy Ciało (2003).
He took part in the music video of the song “Luźny Yanek” (2002) by the group TLove, which featured in Juliusz Machulski’s Superprodukcja (2002), where he played the role of the famous film critic Yanek Drzazga.
He is familiar to television viewers from appearing in a few series, Na dobre i na złe (2000, 2001), M jak miłość (2001), Tango z aniołem (2005-2006), Egzamin z życia (2005-2007) and Teraz albo nigdy (2008).
In 1995 he married Dorota Mirska, who had been a journalist for the magazine Twój Styl. They have two sons: Piotr (born 1998) and Michał (born 2002).Jego debiutem przed kamerą była postać podchorążego Marcina w filmie wojennym Andrzeja Wajdy Pierścionek z orłem w koronie (1992). W 1993 odebrał Nagrodę im. Zbyszka Cybulskiego. Kreacja diabła Balana w kostiumowym filmie fantastycznym Krzysztofa Gradowskiego Dzieje mistrza Twardowskiego (1995) przyniosła mu nagrodę jury dziecięcego za najlepszą rolę męską na Festiwalu Filmowym dla Dzieci i Młodzieży w Poznaniu. W 2012 zagrał w spektaklu Jak się kochają w niższych sferach w Teatrze Kamienica Emiliana Kamińskiego.


Dorota Mirska-Królikowska

Health editor for the monthly journal

As a journalist I am particularly interested in all matters relating to medicine, health and well-being.
I have written three books: Życie bez bólu kręgosłupa (Life without backpain). “Bolesław Paluch, a legend in Polish manual therapy”, “ Marek Bachański, doctor of the impossible. The whole truth about healing with medicinal marihuana“.
I also write a blog on Facebook featuring topics which interest me, such as medicine, health and well-being.