47 Bal Polski will be celebrating 200th birthday celebrations of Patriot and The Father of Polish Opera, Stanisław Moniuszko



The year 2019 is the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko, the father of Polish opera.
His renowned works include the operas “Halka”, “Straszny Dwór” (The Haunted Manor) and “Paria”.
His song “Prząśniczka” has been performed by the greatest Polish opera divas : Ada Sari, Stefania Toczyska and Olga Pasiecznik.
During The Year of Moniuszko, Teatr Wielki will present “Straszny Dwór” and “Halka” (the Vilnius version), directed by Agnieszka Glińska.
Teatr Wielki in Poznan will present “Paria”, in cooperation with The Birmingham Opera Company.
Krystyna Janda, the famous actress and director, will direct “Hrabina” (The Countess) at the Baltic Opera.
Mariusz Treliński will present “Halka” at the Theater an der Wien.
The Berlin Philharmonia has included Moniuszko’s music in its repertoire.
At the 47th Bal Polski, Moniuszko’s arias will be performed by the lyric soprano Katarzyna Mędlarska, who is a member of the Teatro Massimo Bellini and Teatro Comunale Luciano Pavarotti in Italy, and also the bass-baritone Łukasz Karauda, who holds a Queen Elizabeth II graduate scholarship and is associated with the Opera Narodowa in Warsaw.