Since the day Baczewski Restaurant had opened the doors to welcome its first guests, it became one of the most popular dining destinations in Lviv. Many foodies book tables weeks in advance to discover authentic Galician region cuisine as well as to enjoy a meal in one of the most elegant and atmospheric interiors in town.

Dining at Baczewski Restaurant Lviv


…The food was fantastic and the menu was amazing. Food presentation was also well done; and the staff was professional. What a meal!!


Baczewski Restaurant take a modern approach to traditional cuisine of local Ukrainians, Polish, Jews and other groups who live in Lviv. They pride themselves on the largest choice of homemade bitters and liquers.

Enjoy the splendid cuisine pre war Lwów was famous for. Real Lviv history and real local cuisine by Olexandr Chernyshenko, one of the most famous chefs in Lviv.

Baczewski Restaurant 46balpolski bal polski balpolskiuk

Fine dining fine Wódkas

The menu of the restaurant is also very interesting and even unique to some extent. Baczewski Restaurant in Lviv is the only restaurant in the country that serves a so called «new wave Galician cuisine». Lviv Chef Olexandr Chernyshenko studies various traditional recipes of Galicia region of 18th and 19th centuries and creates a fresh interpretation out of it. The food here is a mixture of Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian and Hungarian culinary traditions.

“Beautiful ”

Definitely, the best food in Lviv. Delicious meals, short but nice wine card. Worth to visit every time staying in Lviv.

Since the day Baczewski Restaurant had opened the doors to welcome its first guests, it became one of the most popular dining destinations in Lviv. Many foodies book tables weeks in advance to discover authentic Galician region cuisine as well as to enjoy a meal in one of the most elegant and atmospheric interiors in town.

Baczewski Restaurant, Liv, Lwów, has donated a voucher for dinner for 2 to 46 Bal Polski fundraising.

Dziękujemy za wsparcia!!


The story of famous Baczewski Family

The Family who who established world’s first vodka brand in 1782 in Lviv.

Baczewski Restaurant in Lviv celebrates a history of a wealthy family of philanthropists and biggest gastronoms of that times – Baczewski family. In 1924 Stephen von Baczewski, an owner of «J.A. Baczewski» major distillery in Austro Hungarian Empire, was appointed as an Austrian Empire Consular in Lviv. Mr. Baczewski became one of the most important persons in the whole Galicia region. However, Baczewski family was well known in Europe far before that time. Since establishing their family business in 1782, «J.A. Baczewski» distillery became the first industrial manufacturer of strong liquors in the world.

One word – amazing

…You can taste fresh products. Also there is plenty of vegetarian food and if you want you can try some less known Jewish dishes.

Baczewski were also known for being big philanthropists and donating a lot of money to charity. It is said that the family used to throw charitable balls and functions, which were often frequented by royalty and socialites who all came to savor sensational dishes prepared by Baczewski’s in-house Chefs.
«J.A.Baczewski» distillery was successfuly operating in Lviv until 1939, when it suffered from the massive bombing of Nazi Germany aviation. All the equipment that survived after the attack as well as the liquor stored on the premises of the plant were scavenged by Soviet troops who entered Lviv at this time. Baczewski  family immigrated to Vienna, where they have re-opened their business after 1945.
In April 2015, Kumpel Group Community turned the history of this famous Galician family into life, by opening one of the most famous dining destinations in Ukraine, Baczewski Restaurant.

baczewski restaurant lviv lwow balpolskiuk 46 bal polski

Wódka Baczewski

Rodzina Baczewskich i ich utwór – wódka Baczewski – to jedni z najgłówniejszych bohaterów wesołego Lwowa z tych czasów, kiedy w naszym miescie w kasynach przegrywali miliony, a na kabaret przyjeżdżali bogaci z całej Europy. Fabryka Baczewskich, która była otwarta w roku 1782, była pierwszą na świecie fabryką masowej produkcji wódki. W roku 1810 fabryka otrzymała status dostawcy dworu cesarskiego.
A już na początku 20 wieku Baczewscy zachwycili Europę i zaczęli ekspansję w Ameryce.

Baczewski family and their creation – Baczewski vodka – are the main characters of elegant Lviv back in the golden times of 1920-1930-es, when our city was a casino capital, and the local variety shows and cabaret were like a honeypot for the wealthy from all over Europe. Baczewski factory was established in 1782 and was the first factory to launch the mass production of vodka in the world.

A community of good taste Kumpel Group brings the legend back to Lviv. Vodka, production of which was set aside to Vienna during the World War II is available for purchase in Lviv again since 2013 at “Kumpel” and “Darwin” restaurants. Moreover, a whole new restaurant dedicated to Baczewski family history and Lviv legends about times when the family conquered the world with their products opened its doors in the centre of Lviv in 2015. There you may eat modern Galician cuisine and drink the biggest veriety of homemade liqeuers and bitters in the city.

2013 roku Kumpel’ Group wróciła do Lwowa jej legendę.
Wódka, wytwarzanie której podczas ІІ Wojny Światowej przenieśli do Wiednia, znowu sprzedaje się we Lwowie w restauracjach naszej kompanii. А w roku 2015 otwarto cały zakład, poświęcony historii rodziny Baczewskich i wesołemu Lwowu ich czasów.
Restauracja cieszy gości nie tylko wódką Baczewskich, a także wielkim wyborem nalewek własnej produkcji (80 rodzajów), a także nową kuchnią galicyjską.
Słynny lwowski szef kuchni Aleksandr Czernyszenko opracuje tradycyjne przepisy Galicji aby stworzyć na ich podstawie potrawy z unikalnym smakiem i podawaniem. Zważając na to, że za pochodzeniem Baczewscy byli żydami, w restauracji jest wiele potraw kuchni żydów lwowskich.

baczewski restaurant 46 bal polski balpolskiuk


Many guests come to try «Baczewski»’ Novolvivsky salad with duck, cranberry and honey pear and Nadivanyy Korop, a stuffed carp with carrot sauce.

These two are signature dishes of the restaurant.

Address: 8, Shevska Street, Lviv.